do's and don'ts of effective communication

Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Communication to Remember

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The do’s and don’ts of effective communication are essential for more effective interpersonal relationships.

Communication is key to boosting productivity, employee-to-employer relationships, and more in office environments.

Knowing how to master the art of verbal and non-verbal correspondence is key to anyone’s success.

Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Communication

To help you better understand how to relate to and converse with others, let’s explore the do’s and don’ts of effectively corresponding with others.

Do: Understand PAT (Purpose, Audience, Tone)

One of the fundamental aspects of communicating to a person or an audience is understanding PAT’s importance (Purpose, Audience, Tone).

Let’s break these three components down:

  • Purpose

Purpose relates to why you’re relaying your specific message.

What is the purpose behind your communication?

  • Audience

The audience is essential to consider since it tells you who you’re speaking to.

Understanding the recipient of your message can help you adjust so the information is easier to digest.

  • Tone

As always, the tone is an essential aspect of communication skills that many forget.

Without the proper manner, you’ll be unable to convey the true depth of your message.

Also, the wrong tone could offend someone when you don’t mean to.

With a strong grasp of PAT, you can customize your message to your target audience.

This process ensures that every message gets through easily and understandably, making it simpler to communicate with others.

The best part about PAT is it’s helpful for both oral and written communication channels.

Don’t: Rely on Technology to Communicate

There’s no doubt that technology has made it simpler to communicate with people around the world.

Whether for personal or professional reasons, sending an email, instant message, or even video chat can be convenient.

However, it shouldn’t be the only avenue you use when you need to communicate with others.

A striking thought is that chatting online contributes to feeling more disconnected.

Over time, having video conferences and live chats can take away the authenticity of face-to-face communication efforts.

With that said, it doesn’t mean you should eliminate technology.

It’s best to have a good blend of online and face-to-face communication to keep everyone connected.

This is also one of the primary reasons why hybrid workplaces succeed significantly better than full work-from-home opportunities.

Do: Master Your Listening Skills

Undoubtedly, communication is a two-way street. One party must communicate its message while the other listens and vice versa.

As much as you may want to be the one talking, it’s equally important that you give the other party time to speak.

Mastering your listening skills can be challenging, especially as most people tend to hear what others say but don’t digest the words.

You should tune out all other distractions and give conversations stronger thought, as this can significantly improve communication.

Not only will you remember more of what the other party says, but they will also be more likely to talk to you because you’re an avid listener.

list of do's and don'ts of effective communication

Don’t: Criticize or Judge

For many, communication can be challenging, especially if they feel uncomfortable or are talking about a heavy subject.

As the listener, you must listen closely and avoid judgment and criticism unless necessary.

To better understand the importance of this tip, put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

It would be discouraging if you were talking to a friend about something serious and they began judging you mid-sentence.

You might also be less likely to communicate with that person again if you encounter another challenging obstacle.

All listeners must do so without criticism, allowing the other party to communicate their point.

Do: Watch for Body Language

Non-verbal cues, also referred to as body language, can be a fantastic thing to look for when communicating.

These cues can give you a good idea of whether someone is uncomfortable, at ease, listening intently, or distracted.

Pay close attention to whether they’re getting distracted, shifting uncomfortably, fidgeting, or not giving you eye contact.

With non-verbal cues, you’ll not only be able to tell if they’re listening to you, but it can give you valuable information.

Let’s say you’re a public speaker. If you notice your audience is showing non-verbal signs of fatigue, you can tailor your speech to the needs of your audience.

Don’t: Use Tech When Talking

Smartphones are a fantastic tool for several reasons, but they can also be a massive distraction.

Think of how often you inadvertently look at your phone in the middle of a conversation.

Although it might seem like second nature to you, the person you’re talking to will notice how often you glance at your screens.

Relying on technology when talking not only sets the wrong impression but also serves as a distraction.

You’ll listen far less to what the other person says in face-to-face conversations.

Turning your phone off and stowing it away can be helpful if you know you’ll have an upcoming in-person chat.

Do: Consider Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Refining your communicative skills is easier than you’d think with the help of neuro-linguistic programming.

As a unique school of thought, not only does NLP help with refining your confidence but your communication plan as well.

With the help of NLP training, you can focus on these must-have communication tips:

  • Mind: How conversations are processed
  • Language: How you tailor your conversations to receive and convey information
  • Behavioral Patterns: How emotions and notions are conveyed and formed

Refining these skills will not only make you a more effective communicator but a more effective listener as well.

As per the fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, researchers believe it’s the “psychology of excellence,” allowing everyone to perform outstandingly.

As such, you’ll find that with regular sessions, communication planning will become easier and more effective.

There are many resources to consider to help you get started with your journey to refine your communicative skills.

A few of the top recommended reads include:

NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming – Modern Psychology Publishing

NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an excellent option for people looking to boost confidence in communication.

In this book, you’ll find essential tips and tricks to help you with persuasion techniques, mastering nonverbal cues, learning psychological tactics for negotiation, and more.

It’s essentially an all-in-one guide to improving the quality of your discussions.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Read People and Think Positively and Successfully Using NLP to Kill Negativity, Procrastination, Fear and Phobias – Adam Hunter

This audiobook developed by Adam Hunter is an excellent option for entering the world of NLP and its facets.

You’ll listen to essential mindfulness tactics to assist you with body language, using positive psychology for failures in communication, and more.

NLP Made Easy: How to Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Change Your Life – Ali Campbell

NLP Made Easy: How to Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Change Your Life is a tremendous all-inclusive resource.

Readers will learn about fundamental skills and techniques NLP offers to change your life from the inside out.

Learning Effective Communication Is Essential

The world is your oyster when you better understand the do’s and don’ts of effective communication.

Not only will regular communication become better, as will all other areas of your daily life.

Using techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programming, you can work on your confidence, non-verbal cues, and more to become a more effective communicator.

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